The Importance of Movement | 3 Quick Workouts Designed to Make You Move (and Sweat)
We simply can't stress enough the importance of movement. Unfortunately, we are sitting more than ever, leading to all kinds of health complications.
There's no need to complicate the matter. Simply put, our bodies have all been designed to move. If Mother Nature created our bodies for the purpose of movement, she couldn’t have come up with a better design. Our bodies are a complex network of bones, muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments – the musculoskeletal system. It's through this single, cohesive system that our bodies move. And, not just simple movements but a combination of basic and complex movements. To run, jump, and move objects are examples of the infinite number of movements our bodies are designed for.
As mentioned above, we are sitting now more than ever before. As a result, most of us aren't using our bodies for the reason they were designed. What is a car but metal and rubber if not driven? In fact, if you leave your car for an extended period without driving it, it will deteriorate on its own. The tires will deflate, the battery will drain, and the brakes, fluids, and seals will get stiff. This may sound ridiculous but I'm not making this up!
Our bodies are no different - we need to move, and move often. If not, our muscles will deflate, our energy will drain, and our joints will stiffen.
The Irony of Human Advance
We live in an era when convenience always wins. Products and services that “make things easier” or more accessible are in high demand.
Was this always the case? Let's have a quick look through history. Our ancestors’ ancestors hunted and gathered as a means to eat. Our ancestors farmed and cultivated. From morning till night, their entire bodies were being used. Even in recent history, we had to make our way down to the market to buy ingredients for dinner.
Today, delivery has become very popular; delivery of meals and even of groceries. Are we that busy? For most of us, the answer is no (although we'd like to think we are). Convenience, or the idea of convenience, has taken over. And now, many stores and fast food chains offer a service where you pre-purchase online, drive to the store, and the employees deliver your products directly to your vehicle.
Pair this with a seated desk job and we’ve got a very sedentary lifestyle.

The Youth (Un)Movement
Times have certainly changed, for better and for worse. Today, we live with technology all around us. I remember, twenty years ago, my cul-de-sac was full of after-school activity. The instant book bags came off, the roller blades were laced up, the nets were set up, and the neighborhood rivalries resumed from the previous night. Children today are more likely to be playing Fruit Ninja or Fortnite on their iPhones than they are to be outside – it’s a real tragedy.
Habits, good or bad, are developed at a young age. So, if this is how we’re spending our years of youth, it’s no surprise that today’s average adult lifestyle is sedentary. In fact, we may be creating a generation of "screen addicts".
I'll be blunt - this isn't good.
Complications of Being Sedentary
Sedentary lifestyles have far more consequences than we’re willing to acknowledge. Besides the likelihood of poor body image, a life lacking in movement can lead to complications such as hypertension, back pain, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and depression. It’s actually become an epidemic – according to the World Health Organization, 80% of individuals worldwide don’t move enough.
Let’s Get Physical
I am urging you to not overlook the importance of movement.
Can we turn back the hands of time to the days when our lives demanded us to move? No, unfortunately not. I wouldn't want that either. We're very fortunate to be living in the technology age. Because of it, our lives are simplified in so many ways.
What’s the solution? It really doesn’t have to be complicated. If you ask me, it’s as simple as making a better effort to not do things out of sheer convenience. It's as easy as having more awareness and making a conscious effort to not take the easiest path. Your body is capable of extraordinary things if you actually use it for its intended utility. If you do, your body will get better, stronger, and more efficient.
Remember, as you age it’s only natural for your movements to deteriorate. This happens by nature. But, should you choose not to move, that the rate of deterioration accelerates.
As the saying goes, use it or lose it. I suggest you use it.
Here are 3 Workouts Designed to Make You Move (and Sweat)
If you've read through this blog, chances are you understand the importance of movement and exercise. If you're still not quite sure about the benefits, read this blog on why you need to exercise. Just because you understand the importance doesn't mean you want to work out for hours on end. That's OK - neither do we! You can get an effective movement-packed workout in just 15 minutes. If nothing else, schedule 3x 15-minute slots in your schedule and do each of these workouts.
We guarantee you'll be moving (and strengthening) your body just as it was intended.

Workout #1
✔️Squats and High Pulls
✔️Isometric Squats and Back Rows
✔️Seated Shoulder Presses
⌚30 seconds per exercise
⌚No break between exercises
⌚60-second break between rounds
⌚3x rounds

Workout #2
✔️Stability Back Lunges
✔️Alternating Side Planks
✔️Plank Jacks
⌚30 seconds per exercise (30 seconds per side for Lunges)
⌚No break between exercises
⌚45-second break between rounds
⌚3x rounds

Workout #3
✔️Squats and Rotations
✔️Seated Back Rows
✔️Mountain Climbers
⌚12 reps per exercise (30 seconds for Mountain Climbers)
⌚No break between exercises
⌚45-second break between rounds
⌚4x rounds
The exercises demonstrated above were done on an Evolution Training System. If you don't have an Evolution, you can do a variation of these exercises by anchoring (attaching) your bands to a solid foundation. To learn more about the Evolution or get your own, click here. To see more exercises you can do on the Evolution, head to our exercise library.